Some Questions For You Still:
After the movie "JFK" came out, I had a discussion with some college student once over a few beers. And he said that, on the 50th anniversary of his assassination, certain sealed documents and files were to be opened and released. If that statement was true, where is that evidence now?
If the same "magic bullet" hit Connally after Kennedy, in the Zapruder film why did Connally remain turned to his right waving his left hand while Kennedy clutches his throat? And he then looked behind until he saw the president's head explode. Connally himself said he doesn't believe the same bullet hit him. And if the fatal bullet came next from above and behind, why did Mrs. Kennedy climb onto the trunk of the car to pick up pieces of the president's skull?
Or, why is almost everyone who doesn't buy into the official cover up labeled as a kook and a troublemaker?