Saturday, July 07, 2012

Well, Maybe Just One More Look

About 50 More

When the local televised news reads the diseases reported by doctors that are currently going around the area, sinus infections and ear infections usually top the list. But, they never give an explanation as to why that should be.

And when I raked up some dead Holly tree leaves on the end of our back patio on the first full day of summer, I found all these earwigs (photographs below) among the dirt and debris. In about ten minutes I picked up as many as I could from about a six square foot area with my bare fingers and put them in a plastic bag. But, there were some that I didn't get and then later freeze.

I hadn't fully realized how many of these there are around. I hope that perhaps the recent flooding rains have killed some of the others off.

P. S. The scientific name of the family may be Labiidae Dermaptera, I'm not sure.