Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another One Of Those Earwigs

With More Digital Photos

Even with an ultra-sonic pest repeller nearby, I found this young earwig crawling around on September 7th and pounded it with my hand when I saw it. I don't think roach spray works very well against them either. So keep a sharp eye out. It seems that pounding them when you notice them may be your second best defense. And just to be safe, because these earwigs are so similar to the normal ones, I would go ahead and kill every earwig wherever and whenever I might find one. I know that, as for me, I'm not going to tolerate their continued existence anymore.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Common Florida Earwig

For Comparison

This is the common earwig normally found in Northeast Florida. It looks very similar to the one in my previous post. The difference in appearance is mainly in the size and shape of the abdomen, with the other's being of greater width comparatively and shaped more like a teardrop. I don't really think that it's necessary to kill this species shown here, if found outside.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Public Health Concern

Strange Earwig Found in USA

This is neither a joke nor just an old wives' tale. Beware of this dangerous pest. It can scurry into a nostril, cut a small circle in the skin inside, start gnawing away at your sinus cavity, making a home for itself, get into your ear, and more. I hope that one of these doesn't enter or infect your brain. Symptoms include sinus infections on one side. First the danger must be recognized, then you can fight against it.

(Digital photograph of an immature specimen. Notice the narrow thorax and large abdomen.)
If you see an earwig like this one, you should kill and capture it. To see one and not kill it might be a deadly mistake. Its normal lifespan is probably more than a dozen years.

When I saw this one, I pounded it with my fist like a hammer. I then crushed its neck with my thumbnail and dropped it into a small container. It landed in an awkward position bending the abdomen. Then I froze it.

Unfortunately, in Florida at least, if you tell a doctor that you have a problem with this bug, that same doctor can very well legally send you to an insane asylum for the rest of your life. Thank God for the power of the name of Jesus Christ! And thank goodness for doctors. But, I would also suggest that everyone buy ultra-sonic pest repellers and plug one into an outlet in your bedroom. I know Black&Decker makes some in China.

So, beware also of those earwigs that you don't see. Insects have little mercy. And, the Mafia and CIA do likewise, among others. But who can blame them? Mercy is meant for the merciful. But, this means war. I'm still hoping it's not a plague. And, I hope mankind overcomes these things. Glory to the LORD God.