Thursday, April 29, 2004

A Secret Investigation

The President and Vice President have given their answers together before the commission investigating the horror that came on 9/11 in 2001, and what they had to do with it. It's just too bad that no one outside of that commission is allowed to hear their testimony. No longer do "we the people" have a right to know what our leaders are doing or not doing, or what they have done or not done. And I guess that's the end of it, because in exchange for their testimony the White House has stated that no one else from their administration can be called forward to testify about events related to that day. The investigation seems to be over, and the likely conclusion will be that ours isn't yet enough of a police state, that more terrorism can be expected, and the citizens need to give up more rights and any freedom they still possess.


From Information Clearing House:

My Country, Right And Wrong - By Dom Stasi, April 29, 2004

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius

' ... For the phrase - My country, right or wrong - as a direct quotation, is incorrect. In fact, just like virtually everything else the majority of Americans are willing to believe, it's wrong as hell. The actual quotation, as spoken by the celebrated German-born, United States Senator, Carl Schurz back in the Nineteenth Century, is very different from that with which we've grown familiar and to which we've obediently ascribed in the post-millennial darkness that is Twenty-First Century America. It's worlds-apart different. It's true meaning diametric to the blind obedience implied by the corrupt, "My Country, Right Or Wrong." ...

' ... "My country," declared Senator Carl Schurz, "If right, to be kept right, and, if wrong, to be set right." ...

' ... "The American people" Schurz continued, "should be specially careful not to permit themselves to be influenced in their decisions by high-sounding phrases of indefinite meaning, by vague generalities, or by seductive catchwords appealing to unreasoning pride and reckless ambition. More than ever, true patriotism now demands the exercise of the soberest possible discernment.

"I am far from denying that this republic, as one of the great powers of the world, has its responsibilities. But what is it responsible for? Is it to be held, or to hold itself, responsible for the correction of all wrongs done by strong nations to weak ones, or by powerful oppressors to helpless populations? Is it, in other words, responsible for the general dispensation of righteousness throughout the world? Neither do I deny that this republic has a mission, and I am willing to accept what we are frequently told, that this mission consists in 'furthering the progress of civilization.' But does this mean that wherever obstacles to the progress of civilization appear, this republic should at once step in to remove those obstacles by means of force, if friendly persuasions do not avail? Every sober-minded person will admit that under so tremendous a task any earthly power, however great, would soon break down." ... '

The Main Story

Well maybe the biggest story lately came on about the twenty-second of the month when an explosion or two occurred in Ryongchon, North Korea leaving deep craters, and almost half the wounded were blinded. Was that Earth Day? What is the official reason again? - Oh yeah, an "accident" that's cloaked in secrecy.

Joe Vialls has a theory, and below I'm posting a link. Does he have access to highly classified information? It's an interesting link, but it seems no one is able to verify what he is saying until very much later. Has the US already been using "mini-nukes"? You know the mainstream media would never come out with stuff of this nature. It seems secrets are everywhere. You don't think so? No? OK then. :)

Here's the link: Ryongchon - Nuclear Trigger for American Conscription?

Saturday, April 24, 2004

The Lull Before The Storm

It's been a trying two weeks since I last blogged, you might say. The marines and aircraft are still waiting for the call to strike Fallujah again. The occupation will try to make another example, I guess; and make more enemies all over Iraq and the world - an iron boot shown as the symbol of occupation. But, maybe the main story of the last week is the end of operations in Pakistan to seize or kill followers of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. And in other news the Muslim world seems to be gathering together and raising a call for vengeance. Yet wait a second, look out for those bombs falling all around soon again, folks! So I'll be quiet for a bit. Be ye therefore ready, or as the Boy Scouts' motto says, "Be prepared."

Saturday, April 10, 2004

That Bet I Mentioned -

I guess I'll have to admit that I think the Iraqis will win this rebellion against the occupation of the "coalition", though again I'm not real certain about that outcome or the future in general.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Is it too hard to believe?

What was the plan again? Invade Iraq to get rid of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction? Or, did someone say "oil"?

It might be hard to believe that this administration never envisioned that maybe a few million snipers, civil war, or even total rebellion might happen when they thought up their plan to invade and occupy Iraq. "Bring 'em on," Bush said. And, if there weren't "terrorists" there already, it's more than likely that there are some now, and maybe a lot more in the making.

But, the oil wells are secure, aren't they? Too bad it takes miles and miles of pipeline to deliver it. Say, and where is that oil anyway; where is it going? We could probably use some about now. It seems the spigot isn't running too well. Wasn't that really what this war was about?

And when snipers do fire, the coalition war machine bombs the villages and strafes the streets with automatic firepower from helicopters and tanks. In this "crusade" by Bush, is this the "mission accomplished" of which he spoke? Is that the meaning of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and "democracy"?

With millions of irate Muslims against about a hundred thousand troops, who has the advantage? Place your bets. Ah, the fruits and folly of empire ... death, destruction, rebellion and yet still plenty of slaves to go around. But then again, no oil = no economy it would seem in this day and age. If only we could harvest that cosmic energy that Nikola Tesla talked about. (Those crazy "free energy" enthusiasts!) Is there no hope for a better world today?